The Staff of PS Kirti Nagar & Special Staff/West District have arrested two active members namely Jaffar @ Peetal and Pardeep Sharma @ Arun Sharma @ Anu @ Haryana of notorious “MOHD. GORI GANG”. 01 illegal country made Pistol loaded with 04 live cartridges has been recovered from the possession of Jaffar @ Peetal.
- Jaffar @ Peetal R/o Uttam Nagar, Delhi, Age – 20 years, Education – 7th class. After leaving school, he started working as electrician and few years ago he came in contact of a notorious criminal namely Guddu through one of their common friend. Guddu used to extort money from bootleggers and gamblers. Jaffar got impressed with lifestyle of Guddu and soon joined his gang. Later Guddu was arrested and sent to jail. After releasing from jail, the duo developed some rift and became arch rivals. Thereafter Jaffar joined the rival Mohd. Gori gang and soon became key member of the gang.
- FIR No. 258/17, dt. 22/06/17, U/S 323/452/34 IPC, P.S. Hari Nagar, Delhi.
- FIR No. 376/17, dt.25/06/17, U/S 323/341/336/34 IPC & 25/54/59 Arms Act, P.S. Uttam Nagar.
- FIR No. 411/17, dt. 05/07/17, U/S 323/341/506/34 IPC & 25/54/59 Arms Act, P.S. Uttam Nagar.
- FIR No. 613/16, dt. 19/10/16, U/S 392/397/34 IPC, P.S. Vikas Puri, Delhi.
- Pradeep Sharma @ Arun Sharma @ Anu @ Haryana R/o Tihar Village, New Delhi-18, Age – 27 years, Education – 12th standard. He was previously found involved in a robbery Case of PS Nihal Vihar and in a case of PS Rajauri Garden U/s 308 IPC.
- FIR No. 258/17, U/s 323/452/34 IPC, PS Hari Nagar,
- FIR No. 376/17, U/s 323/341/336/34 IPC & 25/27/54/59 Arms Act, PS Uttam Nagar.
- FIR No.411/17 u/s 323/341/506/34 IPC PS Uttam Nagar.
Sl. No.
Recovery made
Case FIR No., dated, U/S & Police Station
One country made Pistol with four live cartridges
FIR No. 323/17, dated 07/07/2017, U/S 25/54/59 Arms Act, P.S. Tilak Nagar, Delhi.
On 07/07/2017, an information was received to ASI Dilbag Singh posted in Special Staff/West that an active member of Mohd. Gori Gang would come to Santgarh, Tilak Nagar, Delhi to meet someone. Immediately, a team comprising of SI Sandeep Dabas, ASI Dilbag Singh, ASI Dipender Singh, HC Manjit Singh No.690/W, HC Rupesh Kumar No.573/W, HC Vikas Kumar No.1720/W, Ct. Sunny Kumar No. 1483/W, Ct. Yogesh Kumar No.3323/W and Ct. Amit Kumar No.2789/W led by Insp. Surender Singh Sandhu, I/C Special Staff/WD under overall supervision of Sh. Jagjit Sangwan, ACP/Operations/West District was constituted to act promptly. Accordingly, a trap was laid at strategic point in Sant Garh, Tilak Nagar Delhi. At around 11.40 AM, the team spotted a youngster on foot in Gali No. 20, Sant Garh, Tilak Nagar. On pointing of informer, the alert raiding team swiftly swung in to action and nabbed him. Later on, he was identified as Jaffar @ Peetal. On his personal search, 01 illegal country made pistol loaded with four live cartridges was recovered and a case vide FIR No. 323/17, dated 07/07/2017, U/s 25/54/59 Arms Act was registered in P.S. Tilak Nagar, Delhi and investigation was taken up.
On the same day i.e. on 07.07.17, another information was received to the Picket staff of PS KIRTI NAGAR that a member namely Pradeep Sharma @ Arun Sharma @ Anu @ Haryana of Mohd. Gori Gang would come from Kirti Nagar Metro Station side. Immediately, the picket staff comprising of ASI Rakesh Kant, HC Sanjeev No.1224/W, HC Ajay No.61/W, Ct. Sandeep No.1521/W and Ct. Sandeep No.1642/W led by Inspr. Anil Sharma, SHO/Kirti Nagar started vehicle checking stringently. At about 10.00 PM, the team spotted a youngster coming from Metro Station side, on suspicious the team indicating him for stop, but he fled away from the spot and entered into Kirti Nagar Industrial Area. After a long chase the staff succeeded in overpowering and apprehending him. Later on, he was identified as Pradeep Sharma @ Arun Sharma @ Anu @ Haryana.
On sustained interrogation, it was revealed that both the accused are active members of Mohd. Gori Gang. They are in bloody mess with their rival gang headed by Mohd. Guddu for supremacy over extortion, gambling and other means of illegal income. Jaffar @ Peetal further disclosed that once he was a close aide of his rival Md. Guddu. Meanwhile Guddu was arrested in a criminal case and was lodged in jail. After releasing from jail, he alleged him for not following his directions properly, arbitrariness and also not visiting him during his jail term. Accordingly, they alongwith their associates attacked on Mohd. Guddu with knife, baseball bats and sticks on 22/06/2017 in the area of P.S. Hari Nagar area and a case was registered vide FIR No.258/17 u/s 323/452/34 IPC in PS Hari Nagar.
On 25/06/2017, they opened fire on Imran @ Raja in Uttam Nagar area, in this regard a case vide FIR No. 376/17 u/s 323/341/336/34 IPC & 25/27/54/59 Arms Act was registered in PS Uttam Nagar. Again on 05.07.17, they attacked on Mukul Kumar R/o Uttam Nagar and fled away after showing Desi Katta. In this regard a case vide FIR No 411/17 u/s 323/341/506/34 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act, PS Uttam Nagar was registered.
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