A team of Special Cell led by Inspector Shiv Kumar under the supervision of ACP/Spl. Cell, Sh. Manoj Dixit, has busted an Inter-State gang indulging in illegal firearm trade. The gang used to procure sophisticated semi automatic pistols from Sendhwa, MP and sell them further to criminal elements in Delhi and NCR. Akram Khan s/o Islam Khan r/o Village Singar, PS Punhana, Distt. Mewat, Haryanaaged 24 years has been apprehended. A haul of 28 semi automatic sophisticated pistols recovered from the possession of accused Akram Khan. Some of the recovered pistols are engraved with “MADE IN USA” mark.
OPERATION: An in-house study into the growing use of sophisticated firearms in commission of robberies/dacoities, extortions and other heinous crimes in Delhi and NCR over the past few years revealed that in most of the cases illicit weapons manufactured in Khargone, Sendhwa and Dhar Districts of Madhya Pradesh are being smuggled into Delhi NCR. Accordingly, a team of Special Cell led by Inspector Shiv Kumar was constituted and entrusted the task to curb the activities of these persons in Delhi NCR, Mewat and Mathura region. Once entrusted with task, this team collected data pertaining to these gangs operating in Delhi and NCR. The team travelled to almost whole of UP West, UP East, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh region. During this period vast data was collected about the Modus Operandi, and area of operation of each gangs. The team prepared road plan of their movements in rural belts and synchronized the same with technical details. This team worked diligently and relentlessly by deploying informers in and around Delhi, UP West and Madhya Pradesh.
On 16.10.16, a specific information was received that one Akram Khan would come near Ashram Chowk, Sidhartha Extn., Ring Road, New Delhi at about 10:30 PM to deliver a huge cache of Sendhwa (MP) manufactured semi automatic weapons to his contact. Accordingly, a trap was laid near Ashram Chowk, Ring Road, Sidhartha Extn. Side area. At about 10:45 PM, one suspicious person holding two bags, one on his shoulder and another on his hand, was tracked near Asram Chowk, in-front of Sidhartha Extn., Ring Road, who was waiting for someone. After some time when no one turned up and he was about to leave, he was overpowered and apprehended later he was identified as Akram Khan s/o Islam Khan r/o Village Singar, PS Punhana, Distt. Mewat, Haryana aged 24 years. A total of 28 sophisticated semi automatic improvised pistols were recovered from the bags carried by Akram Khan. A case vide FIR No. 59/16 dated 17.10.206 u/s 25 Arms Act, PS Special Cell, New Delhi has been registered.
His interrogation revealed that he has been working for Mufeed of Chhata, Mathura, UP and Khursheed of Bharatpur, Rajasthan, who are main receivers of these illegal arms from Sendhwa (MP). Mufeed and Khursheed used to supply these illegal weapons to the gangsters/criminals of Delhi & NCR and other parts of country. Out of the 28 recovered pistols, 20 pistols were to be given to Mufeed and the remaining 8 pistols were to be given to Khursheed.
PROFILE OF CRIMINAL : Akram Khan was born in 1992 in Village Singar of district Mewat region. His father Islam Khan is a truck driver. He studied upto primary level. At the age of 15, he started working as cleaner on trucks. At the age of 18, he started working as driver on truck/container. Being unable to make sufficient earnings, he joined another driver Khursheed, as a carrier of illegal arms, who is working alongwith Mufeed, main receiver of illegal weapons from Madhya Pradesh and selling them to bad elements at a price. Mufeed and Khursheed lured him with hefty earnings in lieu of working as a carrier. He gets Rs. 1000/- per pistol from Mufeed and Khursheed.
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