Two members of “Chhalla Gang” arrested by Special Staff, South District

  • 6 mobile phones recovered.
  • 6 cases of theft solved.

With the arrest of accused Mohd. Sajid @ Guddu, age 31 years s/o Mujabbir Rehman r/o B-202, JJ Colony, Bawana, Delhi and Mohd. Feroz, age 38 years s/o Mohd. Ahmad r/o B-513, JJ Colony, Bawana, Delhi, Special Staff, South District has busted an infamous “Chhalla Gang”, indulged in mobile phone theft with a unique modus-operandi.  With the arrest of accused persons, 6 mobile phones recovered and 6 cases of theft solved.
Brief facts:

There were incidents of mobile phone thefts and burglaries reported in the area of South Delhi.  Special Staff, South District was also assigned the task to identify the culprits involved in such criminal activities and arrest them.  

A team comprising of SI Rajeev Bamal, SI Gyanender Singh, ASI Rajbir Singh, ASI Vijay Kumar, ASI Vir Singh, ASI Ram Kishan, ASI Ashok Kumar, ASI Ravinder, Ct Naresh, Ct Amit and Ct Sonu led by Inspr. Jeet Singh and under the supervision of Sh. Palvinder Singh , ACP/Ops. and Sh. Aditya Gautam, ACP (UT) was constituted.  During investigation, the police team contacted the complainants who described the modus operandi adopted by the culprits to steal their mobile phones. The police team worked relentlessly over the gangs previously involved in the incidents with similar modus-operandi but no positive result came out.  The police team continued its efforts, deployed sources and kept close watch on jail / bail released culprits to track their movements.  On receipt of specific input about the movement of accused persons, a trap was laid near Children Park, Lado Sarai and accused Mohd. Sajid @ Guddu and Mohd. Feroz were arrested.

During interrogation, at the instance of accused persons, 6 mobile phones stolen with the same modus operandi recovered.  Accused persons disclosed to have adopted a unique modus-operandi to commit the mobile thefts.  They used to drop a gold plated ring (Chhalla) on the road and one of them will stay near it to identify a soft target.  As soon as the passerby would come there, accused will point out as if the ring belongs to him.  In the meantime, two co-accused persons will also join them and would say that that ring belongs to them.  But the passerby in greed will stay there.  After sometime, accused persons will create a situation which led to heated arguments among them over the ownership of ring.  At the same time, one of the accused persons will take out his mobile to call the police and will pretend as if his mobile is not working.  Then, he will ask the passerby to give his mobile phone to call the police.  After taking the mobile phone of passerby, he will escape from the spot cleverly leaving behind his two associates who will keep the passerby busy in arguments.  As soon the passerby will come to know that that person has vanished with his mobile phone, he will ask the due about the whereabouts of that guy but they will also leave the spot stating that they have no acquaintance with that guy.  
Cases worked out:
  1. e-FIR No. SD-MR-00902/16 u/s 379 IPC P.S Mehrauli.
  2. e-FIR No. SD-MR-00921/16 u/s 379 IPC P.S Mehrauli.
  3. e-FIR No. SD-MR-00791/16 u/s 454/380 IPC P.S Mehrauli.
  4. e-FIR No. SD-MR-00909/16 u/s 457/380 IPC P.S Mehrauli.
  5. e-FIR No. SD-MR-00747/16 u/s 380 IPC P.S Mehrauli.
  6. e-FIR No. NED-JN-00139/17 u/s 379 IPC P.S Jyoti Nagar.
Profile of the accused persons:
  1. Mohd. Sajid @ Guddu, age 31 years s/o Mujabbir Rehman r/o B-202, JJ Colony, Bawana, Delhi is a school dropout. He fell in the bad company and started petty crimes. Gradually he started committing robbery and snatching. His previous involved in following cases :

  1. FIR No. 25/14 U/S 392/397/34 IPC P.S. Samaipur Badli.
  2. FIR No. 59/15 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Bindapur.
  3. FIR No. 1596/14 U/S 356/379 IPC P.S. Bindapur.
  4. FIR No. 34/15 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Bindapur.
  5. FIR No. 41/15 U/S 379 IPC P.S. Bindapur.

  1. Mohd. Feroz, age 38 years s/o Mohd. Ahmed r/o B-513 JJ Colony, Bawana, Delhi is illiterate.  He was in dire need of money and in order to cater his day to day expenses, he joined accused Mohd Sajid in crime.

  1. Six mobile phones (make Samsung-2, Le TV-1, Moto G-1, Lenova-1 and Cool Pad-1)


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