A team of Special Cell led by Inspr. Satendra Mohan under the supervision of Shri Govind Sharma, ACP/SR, Special Cell has arrested a member of an Inter-State gang of illegal arms trafficking and apprehended one Suresh, aged 23 years s/o Gyan Singh r/o Village Basali, PO- Naagjhiri, PS Khaknar, Distt. Burhanpur, MP. Total 15 local-made semi-automatic sophisticated pistols of 7.65 mm have been recovered from the accused person. Some of the recovered country-made semi-automatic sophisticated pistols are engraved with “MADE IN CHINA” mark.
It had come to notice that an arms manufacturer and supplier from Burhanpur, MP is supplying sophisticated firearms in Delhi-NCR and adjoining areas of UP through his carriers. Accordingly, a team of Special Cell led by Inspector Satendra Mohan was deputed to identify the gang in Delhi & NCR. This team worked diligently and relentlessly by deploying informers in and around Delhi and UP West.
On 06.03.2017, a specific information was received that one Suresh would come to T Point, Nand Nagri, Wazirabad Road, near Gagan Cinema at about 4 PM, to deliver a huge cache of semi-automatic weapons to his contacts. Accordingly, a trap was laid at T Point near Gagan Cinema, Nand Nagri, Wazirabad Road, Delhi. At about 4:20 PM, one suspicious person holding one black-green colour bag on his shoulder, was spotted near T point Nand Nagri, who appeared to be waiting for someone. After sometime when no one turned up and he was about to leave, he was overpowered and apprehended by the team. He was identified as Suresh s/o Gyan Singh r/o Village Basali, PO- Naagjhiri, PS Khaknar, Distt. Burhanpur, MP. Total 15 local made semi-automatic sophisticated pistols of 7.65 mm were recovered from the bag carried by Suresh. Accordingly, a case vide FIR No. 18/17 dated 06.03.2017 u/s 25 Arms Act, PS Special Cell, New Delhi has been registered.
Interrogation of Suresh revealed that 05 of these weapons were to be collected by Salim r/o Nand Nagri, Delhi and remaining by Prempal and Avnish both r/o Firozabad, UP. As per accused, earlier also he had supplied arms in Delhi NCR and UP.
Suresh was born in 1993 in Village Basali, PO- Naagjhiri, PS Khaknar, Distt. Burhanpur, MP. His father Gyan Singh is a farmer having 3 acres agricultural land. He studied upto 5th standard. He is working as helper with Mason as well as a driver on tractors in local agricultural fields. About 6 months ago, he came in contact with one Baljith Singh @ Balia r/o Khaknar, Burhanpur, MP through his brother-in-law and started working as carrier of illegal arms for him. His previous involvements are being verified from local police station of his place of stay and permanent residence.
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