Passing Out Parade of Probationary Sub-Inspectors (Batch No. 41)

Passing Out Parade of Probationary Sub-Inspectors (Batch No. 41) & Recruit Constables ( Buglar, Bandman & Mounted)
96 Probationary Sub-Inspectors including 10 women and 27 Recruit Constables (Buglar-09, Bandman-08 and Mounted Police-10) passed out on 02.12.2016 from Police Training College Jharoda Kalan, New Delhi and join the Delhi Police. They were administered the ‘oath’ in glittering ceremonious parade.  Family and friends watched as the new officers graduated from their intensive basic training program. It was a moment of pride and accomplishment for them. Sh.  Alok Kumar Verma, Commissioner of Police, Delhi reviewed the impressive parade. The parade was attended by other senior officers of Delhi Police.
Chief Guest gave away the trophies to the winners.  PSI Jitender for ‘All Round Best’ of the batch ,first in Firing, first in Commondo and first in Indoor, PSI Bhagwan Singh in Outdoor , PSI Priyank for Commando.
After reviewing the spectacular parade, Sh. Alok Kumar Verma Commissioner of Police, Delhi congratulated the trainees for their splendor parade and also congratulated the drill staff as well as the faculty of Police Training College. He called upon the young officers to serve the society in impartial way and also to enforce law in letter and spirit. He emphasized upon proactive role of police in protecting the weaker section of society and people friendly policing. He affirmed that unbiased service to the public helps in building trust. He added that in view of the fast changing crime trends and patterns, it is imperative for the police force to be updated, up skilled in Forensics, Police related computer applications along with physical and mental agility to use the latest technology in the right direction at the Police Station level. He emphasized on their contribution related to issues facing the capital like; Terrorism, maintenance of Law and Order, Security of Women, Children, Senior Citizens and Weaker Section etc. He particularly highlighted the fact that Delhi Police personnel have to work hard with a positive and sympathetic approach to establish trust and faith with the public so as to build a collaborative influence.
He outlined the importance of Buglar in the day to day activities of Delhi Police and urged all the police personnel to understand different buglar tunes. He further praised the role of Bandmans & Mounted Police in Delhi Police and their importance in different Ceremonial Parades, Situations & Occasions.
  During their basic training, all the skills required for their profession have been imparted. The PSIs have been trained in Law, Police Science, Criminology, Computer Application, Cyber Crime and Human Rights with prominence on professionalism, discipline & good behavior. For effective community policing they have been sensitized on gender issues, Crime against Women, Children & Senior citizens. In outdoor training, they were trained in handling of weapons, vehicle driving, firing practices.  They were trained in UAC & Commondo practices.           
“Unity in diversity” is also manifested in this batch as there are 22 PSIs from Delhi, 34 from Haryana, 23 from UP, 07 from Rajasthan,   04 from Bihar, 02 from Madhya Pradesh, 02 from Uttrakhand and 01 each from Chandigarh and Himachal Pardesh. Educational profile of these PSIs is quite impressive as this batch has 36 Graduates, 16 PGs, 04 MBAs, 02 M.Tech, 32 B.Tech, 03 LLB, 2 MCA and 01 B.Pharma. Out of 27 RCts, 17 are from Delhi, 05 from Rajasthan, 03 from UP and 01 each from Haryana & Uttrakhand respectively. Educational profile of these Constables is also noteworthy as this batch has 01 PG, 18 Graduate and 08 Intermediate pass.

At Last, Chief Guest congratulated the pass out PSIs and R.Cts for the successful completion of their training and hoped that they will always remain ahead of time by improving their professional skills to serve the public of Delhi with more humanitarian approach. He congratulated, Sh. Kishan Kumar, Spl. CP/Training and Sh. Bhairon Singh Gurjar, Principal PTC for imparting excellent training to this batch.


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