The team of Special Cell led by Inspector Kailash Singh Bisht, Inspector Ravinder Tyagi and Inspector Pramod Chauhan under the supervision of Shri Govind Sharma, ACP/Special Cell/New Delhi Range has busted a drug cartel involved in the sale of narcotic drug Hashish by arresting two drug traffickers namely (1) Rattan Bahadur Singh aka Ramesh aka Lambu aka Chacha, aged-38 years S/o Shri Lal Bahadur Singh R/o Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi and (2) Shanu Ram aka Hukam Chand aka Shanu aged 36 years S/o Shri Moti Ram r/o Ward No. 2, Soyal, Haripur District-Kullu Himachal Pradesh and have seized 12.5 kgms of high quality party drug and one Santro car of Himachal Pradesh registration number from these drug traffickers.
In the first week of December 2016, an information was received by the Special Cell officers that one drug trafficker with code name-Ramesh is selling huge around of narcotic drug to drug traffickers of Delhi, Mumbai and Goa for upcoming New Year Eve parties. It further came to notice through sources that this drug Hashish is being illegally produced by drug traffickers in Himachal Pradesh and is sold in various parts of India including Delhi and the demand of this narcotic drug increases manifold on New Year eve. During information collection it was revealed that the above named Ramesh is operating from Majnu Ka Tilla Delhi. To bust the chain of this racket, the informers were deployed in various parts of Delhi and other states.
On 19/12/2016, an information was received in Special Cell that above named Ramesh alongwith his associates has reached Delhi from Himachal Pradesh in a car bearing number HP-66-3045, make Santro colour alongwith huge consignment of Hashish and were due to deliver it near Hanuman Akhara opposite Chandrawal water treatment plant, Outer Ring road Delhi. Immediately the team of Special Cell officers led by Inspector Kailash Singh Bisht, Inspector Ravinder Tyagi and Inspector Pramod Chauhan conducted raid at Majnu Ka Tila Delhi and arrested above Rattan Bahadur Singh and Shanu Ram alongwith their Santro Car. During search of their person and car, 6-kgms of high quality party drug “Malana Cream (A-grade Hashish)” was recovered. During further search of the rented house of above accused Rattan Bahadur Singh at Majnu Ka Tilla, Delhi, another 6.5 kgms of the same drug was recovered.
Shanu Ram is married and has 3 children. He is a driver by profession and around 4 years ago, he came in contact with one drug trafficker, who employed him as his driver and roped him in for trafficking drugs to Delhi, Mumbai & Goa. For each trip, he used to get about Rs. 25-30 thousands. Around 15 days back, the said trafficker introduced him accused Rattan Bahadur Singh to supply him drug in Delhi and on previous visit, he supplied drug Hashish to Rattan Bahadur. This time, he alongwith accused Rattan Bahadur Singh had come Delhi from Mani Karan, Kullu, HP with seized Narcotic substance Malana Cream and they were to further take it to Goa to supply it to their contacts on the Eve of New year, as its demand increases manifold during this period. The accused Shanu Ram has stated that he has delivered over 30 kgms of Malana Cream in Delhi, Mumbai and Goa.
He is a Nepalese citizen, who came to India about 12 years ago and worked as casual labour at various places in Uttrakhand & Himachal Pradesh. During his stay at Himachal Pradesh, he came in touch with one drug trafficker who allured him to join as a peddler and subsequently he started trafficking Hashish from Himachal to Delhi, Mumbai, Goa & other parts of India. The accused Rattan Bahadur Singh has stated that he has delivered over 100 kgms of Malana Cream in Delhi, Mumbai and Goa.
Efforts are afoot to identify and apprehend the forward and backward links in chain of drug traffickers.
12.5 kgms of high quality party drug “Malana Cream (A-grade Hashish)” & one Santro car of Himachal Pradesh registration number
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