Brutal twin blind murders of Munirka Solved

  • Two accused arrested and weapon of offence recovered

Brief facts : On 18.11.16, dead body of a young woman, aged 24/25 years wrapped in a polythene sheet outside a temple at Baba Gangnath Marg was recovered by PS Vasant Vihar.  It appeared that the dead body was dumped after committing the crime at some other location.  A case vide FIR No. 1010/16 dated 18.11.16 u/s 302/201 IPC was registered at PS Vasant Vihar.  Local enquiries made immediately after the recovery of dead body could not provide any clue as to the identity of the deceased.  Massive efforts were launched to search the records of missing persons, issuance of Hue & Cry Notices, flashing of W.T. Messages and intensified efforts spread over next few days did not yield any positive result.
On 25.11.16, another headless dead body of a young woman was found in a sewer in Munirka Village.  The dead body was severed into two separate pieces with head missing.  The dead body was beginning to decompose with the skin pilling out.  A designer tattoo, located at the rear lower portion of the torso and three ‘stars’ engraved on the right hand wrist were noticed and carefully preserved. Rigorous efforts were made for identification of this newly found dead body but to no results. A case was registered vide FIR No. 1020/16 dated 25.11.16 u/s 302/201 IPC at PS Vasant Vihar.  
Seeing the gravity of the situation, many police teams were formed for prompt identification of the dead bodies and to nab the culprits under the close supervision of Sh. K.P. Kukrety, ACP/Vasant Vihar.
Identification of first dead body :
There was a sigh of relief when, in the evening of 26.11.16, the second dead body, found severed into two pieces with the head missing, was identified. This was done by one Rohit (name changed for witness protection), who happened to be a friend of the deceased. The identification could become possible primarily owing to the careful preservation of the tattoos found on the corpse. This dead female was identified as Sushma Rai @ Sonam, resident of Assam State. This witness also informed the police that a relative of the deceased, who lives in North Eastern India, was worried about her safety as her phone was not responding since 16.11.16 and therefore, had asked this witness to search for her. The witness also gave certain insights into the personality and profile of the deceased but they were insufficient to reach any affirmative conclusion about the identity of the perpetrators of the ghastly crime. However, with the cell phone number of the deceased coming into knowledge, extensive research was done on relevant call detail records and soon, the police was able to zero-in upon a group of persons with whom the deceased had been in most frequent contact over the days preceding her death. This witness led the police to the place of stay of the deceased. It was found that the distance between the locations where the dead body was discovered and where the deceased was staying was over 500 meters. It further confounded the police as the place of stay of the deceased, when searched by the police, did not yield any clue as to where the gruesome murder could have been committed but it did confirm that the deceased was not killed inside her rented accommodation. The startling revelation that came to notice when police reached the rented accommodation of deceased Sushma @ Sonam was that she was living there along with another lady and this other lady had also been missing for the last 10/11 days. This appeared to be connected with the first dead body which, till then, was unidentified. The mystery was only deepening.  
Identification of second dead body :
After the identification of the second dead body, within the next 24 hours, police succeeded in identifying the first dead body. Another witness Poonam (name changed for witness protection) was located who identified the first dead body discovered on 18.11.16 as one Nayesha, a native of Nepal. The distance between the spot where Nayesha’s body was discovered and Sushma’s rented accommodation, where Nayesha was also living found to be about 100 meters.
Investigation :
It was learnt that both Sushma and Nayesha were spa workers with roots in Nepal and were linked to a group of persons who knew them from their country of nativity and were engaged in providing logistical and other financial support to similarly placed persons who come to India for better economic prospects. This group was identified as consisting of one Jeevan, Govind and Arjun. It was also learnt that this group of operators had hired several rented accommodations within South Delhi itself. The examinations of several landlords of these hired buildings/rooms revealed that the trio had left Munirka village in the evening of 25.11.16 and since then, this group was not noticed. With the identities of prime suspects getting confirmed and their status as ‘missing’ getting corroborated along technical parameters, it became imperative to carry out a profiling of the suspects.
Hunt for the accused persons started :
While suspect Jeevan and Govind were learnt to be living single lives, suspect Arjun was learnt to be living along with two children, reportedly from an earlier marriage. The cell phones of the trio were switched off.  However, the last location of some of the many numbers being used by them was found to be along an international border.  Thorough search of rented accommodations used by the suspects was undertaken along with forensic experts.  In this exercise, in one of the above mentioned rented accommodations, blood stained clothes and a sofa cum bed were found. The place where the second dead body i.e. of Sushma @ Sonam was discovered was found to be less than 50 meters from this place. It was more or less clear that murders might have been committed at this rented accommodation belonging to the trio Jeevan, Govind and Arjun.
The continuing investigations and searches for the absconding suspects also brought into picture another lady namely Mini Sangam @ Neha, an original inhabitant of Shillong, Meghalaya, who was reported to be in close relationship with Arjun and was learnt to be taking care of his children as a foster mother. The plot was only getting more and more complicated as even though this Neha was also found missing, technical analysis did not support the assumption that she had fled with the missing trio.
First arrest : On 09.11.16, one of the sources deployed by the special team gave information about suspect Jeevan who was expected to arrive at Anand Vihar ISBT for boarding a Delhi-Sonauli bus which would take him to Indo-Nepal International Border. A team was rushed to ISBT Anand Vihar which laid a professional trap and upon identification by the informer, suspect Jeevan was apprehended.
After being satisfied with the involvement of suspect Jeevan in both the gruesome murders, he was arrested and put to sustained interrogation. Accused Jeevan s/o Lok Bahadur r/o District Palpa, PS Tangsing, Nepal disclosed that he, along with accused Govind and Arjun had been a party to both the murders and also revealed the involvement of Mini Sangam @ Neha as the prime instigator cum conspirator behind both the crimes committed by the trio.
Accused Jeevan further disclosed that both the deceased ladies Nayesha and Sushma @ Sonam as well as the prime instigator cum conspirator Mini Sangam @ Neha were spa workers and were known to Arjun, Govind and himself and over the course of previous 6-8 months, a large sum of money earned by Sushma @ Sonam and Nayesha, which they used to deposit with Arjun for safe custody, had been accumulated. Though, both Sushma @ Sonam and Nayesha were pressing hard for their moneys, Arjun, who used to look after the deposits, had developed other ideas. Accused Jeevan further disclosed that accused Arjun, who was in a live-in relationship with Mini Sangam @ Neha, decided to exploit the soft corner that deceased Sushma @ Sonam was having towards him in order to avoid paying her dues. In furtherance of this thinking, accused Arjun clandestinely married Sushma @ Sonam a day after the day of Karwa-Chauth and managed to convince her that from now onwards, their assets and liabilities were common so that Sushma @ Sonam stops asking for her dues. However, Sushma @ Sonam, who was till then jealous of the proximity being enjoyed by Mini Sangam @ Neha with Arjun, could not resist the temptation of sending a teaser to Mini Sangam @ Neha informing her of her new, married status. This was the precipitating point for Mini Sangam @ Neha, who, thereafter, became the prime motivator and instigator for the trio to eliminate Sushma @ Sonam at any cost. Over the following days, several conspiracies were hatched and finally, in the intervening night of 16 and 17.11.16, deceased Sushma @ Sonam was brutally murdered by the trio, beheaded and dumped in a nearby sewer using its manhole.
However, the story did not end there as Nayesha, who was also owed money by the trio, was the closest friend and room partner of Sushma @ Sonam and was in the knowledge of her marriage with Arjun, sooner or later, would have got to know about her murder at the hands of the trio. This was a risk too hot to handle and the only way out was to silence the voice of Nayesha too. Accordingly, within the next 24 hours, in the intervening night of 17/18.11.16, Nayesha was also killed and her body was dumped along the road side in a black plastic sack. It was decided after both the tasks were executed that while Arjun and Govind will leave for Nepal for some time to let the matter cool down, Jeevan would stay back and keep monitoring the developments and also collecting and clearing several business related dues. As and when matters would have cooled down, Arjun and Govind would return and along with Jeevan, they would have shifted base to a South Indian location to resume their activities. As to Mini Sangam @ Neha, it was decided that she should also stay back as she wasn’t physically involved in the murders but was the silent orchestrator. She was also supposed to leave for the selected South Indian location in a few days to join the trio.    

The revelations made by accused Jeevan confirmed the role of suspect Mini Sangma @ Neha and it became imperative that her search be intensified. Suspect Mini Sangam @ Neha, while being on the run, had left a technical clue which was being closely monitored by the police team and she was also apprehended on 10.12.16. In her preliminary interrogation, accused Mini Sangam @ Neha has corroborated the revelations made by accused Jeevan and has also led the police to the recovery of the weapons (khukhri and chopper) used in the offences which were in her knowledge as shared with her by absconding accused Arjun and Govind before they left Delhi. Sincere efforts are being made to recover missing head of deceased Sushma Rai @ Sonam.


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