Every year, during the Hindu lunar month of “Shravana”, devotees (Kanwarias) travel on-foot from “Gau Mukh”, Gangotri Dham and Haridwar carrying holy “Ganga Jal” for offering the same at Shiva Temples on “Shrawan Shivaratri”. This year the “Shrawan Shivaratri” falls on 01.08.2016. The Kanwarias, destined for Delhi and different cities of Haryana and Rajasthan start coming to Delhi on foot from 20.07.16 onwards and their number starts increasing from 24.07.2016.
The main routes of the Kanwarias through Delhi shall be as follows:
Apsara Border – Shahdara Flyover –Seelampur ‘T’ point –ISBT Flyover – Boulevard Road – Rani Jhansi Road – Faiz Road – Vande Matram Marg – Dhaula Kuan –NH-8 and exit from Rajokri Border to enter Haryana.
Bhopra Border –Wazirabad Road –Loni Flyover –Gokulpuri ‘T’ point -66 Foota Road – Seelampur ‘T’ Point –NH-1 and further towards new ISBT Bridge.
Maharajpur Border - Road no. 56. - Ghazipur Border –NH-24 - Ring Road –Mathura Road and exit from Badarpur Border to enter Haryana.
Kalindi Kunj Road -bdrpur Malhura border.
Kalindi Kunj Road -modi Malhura may enjoy getting -maa route - MB Road.
In addition to these important roads and intersections Kanwarias movement is observed in smaller numbers in several locations all over Delhi.
Delhi Traffic Police has made elaborate arrangements to segregate the movement of Kanwarias and other road users and to minimize inconvenience to the general public and devotees. The devotees and road users are advised to follow the traffic rules and obey the directions of policemen on duty. During this period of Kanwaria movement traffic violations will be checked by on the spot prosecution and by photography/videography of violations which will be followed by prosecution.
Diversion Plan during the days of heavy rush after 24.07.2016 till 01.08.2016
Ø HTVs will be diverted by UP Police from Mohan Nagar towards NH-24 and no such traffic will be allowed towards Wazirabad Road via Bhopra Border and or towards GT Road via Apsara Border.
Ø HTVs except city buses will not be allowed on:-
· GT Road towards Shahdara
· Wazirabad Road
Ø Heavy commercial transport vehicles, except city buses, coming from GT Karnal Road at Outer Ring Road will be diverted straight towards NH-24 and will not be allowed to move on Wazirabad Road and G.T. Road towards Shahdara.
Ø Heavy commercial transport vehicles, except city buses, coming from Loni Road (Shahdara side) will be diverted on Wazirabad Road to exit from Outer Ring Road.
Ø Heavy commercial transport vehicles, except city buses, coming from internal areas like Sonia Vihar, PTS Wazirabad Pushta, Pushta Road will be diverted towards Outer Ring Road via Wazirabad Road to take NH-24.
During these days due to the movement of Kanwarias and setting up of “Kanwaria Camps” on road sides, traffic congestion/obstruction is experienced at several places. Generally heavy traffic congestion occurs on Rani Jhansi Road from Barafkhana Chowk to Fire Station, Boulevard Road and at Azad Market Chowk. Heavy traffic congestion is also observed at Khajuri Chowk, Gokalpuri Flyover, 66 Foota Road, Maujpur Chowk, Babarpur ‘T’ Point, Bhajanpura Chowk, Keshav Chowk and Dharampura ‘T’ Point, Mathura Road. Similarly, traffic congestion is experienced on NH-8 from Dhaula Kuan Metro Station upto Rajokari Border. Due to diversion of vehicular traffic, bound for Apsara Border and Maharajpur Border to Ghazipur, by U.P. Police, there will also be congestion on NH 24. Motorists are advised to plan their movement in advance to avoid inconvenience and delay.
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