Special Staff, North-West District has solved a blind and gruesome murder case of a lady by arresting one accused Ajay Hooda (22 years) s/o Surjeet Hooda r/o Shahabad Daulatpur, Delhi. The deceased lady (23 years) was brutally assaulted and then strangulated by her friend accused in her house at Santosh Park, Uttam Nagar in the jurisdiction of PS Bindapur, South West District.
INCIDENT: In the evening of 03.08.2016, a PCR call regarding a dead body lying in Uttam Nagar was received at PS Bindapur. The local police found that one lady, later identified as Sapna , was lying dead in her bedroom having ligature mark on her neck and linear injury mark on other parts of body. A case vide FIR No.516/16 dated 04.08.2016 u/s 302 IPC PS Bindapur, South West District was registered.
INFORMATION, TEAM AND OPERATION : In the evening of 03.08.2016, SI Ram Manohar along with HC Suresh, HC Ashok, Ct. Sanjay, Ct. Umesh, Ct. Sushil, Ct. Rajesh, Ct. Pradeep, Ct. Parvinder and Ct. Krishan were out for the investigation of a case of North West District when coincidentally a secret information was also received by them that one person aged 22/23 years wearing white shirt and pant is suspected to have committed a murder in the area of Uttam Nagar area and will be coming from Dabri side in Ford Figo white colour car bearing registration No. HR-31K 1401. The informer also informed that his cloths are having blood stains. The police team was instructed by senior officers to intercept the suspect/accused so that the veracity of information could be checked. Accordingly, the members of the police team laid a trap on Najafgarh Road near metro pillar No.626, Red Light, Vikaspuri.
At about 8.15 pm a white colour Ford Figo car bearing number HR-31K-1401 was seen coming from Dabri side towards Janakpuri District Centre. The car was signaled to stop at the Red light, metro Pillar No.626, Najafgarh road, Vikaspuri. The driver, a young man of 22/23 years age wearing white shirt and pants was instructed to lower front door window-screen. However, instead of following the instructions of the police team the driver tried to flee through the traffic but stopped due to red light.
Finding no alterative and in order to prevent escape of a person suspected to be involved in a murder case, the police team members broke the window-screen glasses of both front doors of the car and overpowered him. He was later identified as Ajay Hooda s/o Surjeet Hooda r/o Shahbad Daulatpur, Delhi. In order to verify further the he was brought to the office of Special Staff/North West District. He was found in possession of several mobile phones, cash & jewellery items.
He was put to sustained interrogation and during interrogation he kept misleading about the dried blood stains on his clothes and possession of jewellery items, mobile phones etc. with him. He was trying to mislead about one particular mobile phone. On suspicion, ‘Gallery’ folder of the mobile phone was checked by the team in which one of the picture was of deceased lady clicked on 03.08.2016 at 5.06 p.m. The picture gave vital clue as it was taken a few hours before pointing towards his involvement in the crime. He finally broke down and confessed to have murdered lady Sapna committed in the evening of 03.08.2016 in Santosh Park, Uttam Nagar in Bnda Pur area. He also disclosed that he had even clicked the picture after committing murder of the lady as he was fed up of her. He had also taken away deceased’s Rs.30000/- cash, few jewellery items (Mangalsutra & rings) from the body and 3 mobile phones of the deceased.
Hence, finding sufficient grounds of arrest the accused Ajay Hooda Ajay Hooda was arrested u/s 41.1 CrPC. The mobile phone, Rs.30000/- cash, jewellery items and mobile phones found in his possession have been seized.
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