On 19.8.16, a tempo owner and his driver approached the Vigilance Branch of Delhi Police with a complaint that traffic staff had demanded Rs. 5000/- from the driver of Tata 407 for not challaning him for drunken driving and after requests by him, the ZO had agreed to reduce the amount to Rs. 3000/- for not challaning him. At that time, the driver of Tata 407was carrying only Rs. 1000/- which he paid to the ZO and the ZO agreed for the balance Rs. 2000/- to be paid to him on 22.8.16.
On this information a raiding team was immediately constituted by the Vigilance Branch.On 22.8.16 the complainant brought Rs. 2,000/- for payment to the traffic staff and led the team to Pul Mithai, Sadar Bazar. The complainant, along with the witness,in his Tata 407 reached near crossing at Pul Mithai, Sadar Bazaar. ASI Yatender Kumar, the ZO got the vehicle stopped through a traffic constable and demanded/accepted balance amount of Rs. 2000/- from the driver in presence of the witness. On the signal of the witness, the raiding team apprehended ASI Yatender Kumar red-handed and the bribe money was recovered from him.
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