The Special Staff of Outer District, Delhi has arrested one sharp shooter of notorious Neeraj Bawania Gang involved in an incident of firing three rounds on the car of businessman of in the area of PS Narela to threaten and extort a sum of rupees one crore.
1. Anil @ Singhania s/o Balwan r/o Village Singhana, PS Safidon, Jind, HR (age-22 years).
INCIDENTS: On 1st October, 2015 a businessman, Dal Mill owner, in the area of Narela, Delhi, received a phone call from an unknown number and the caller demanded a sum Rs. One Crore from him. On 02.10.15, he received another extortion call from another unknown number and the caller again demanded a sum of Rs. One Crore and threatened to kill him in case he doesn’t meet his demand. A case was registered in this regard and investigation was taken up.
On 04.11.15 around 10.00 PM, some unknown persons came in a black car outside the Dal Mill of the complainant in Narela and opened fire to terrorize him in order to give in to the demand. During investigation of these two cases 08 persons were arrested by Spl.Staff and PS Mangol Puri for their involvements in the crime. They had divulged during interrogation that they had close links with Neeraj Bawania and had been directed by Neeraj to threaten the complainant.
On 05.07.2016 around 12:45 PM three boys came on a motorcycle and fired three rounds on the car of the businessman in which his son escaped narrowly. The businessman had entered his Mill and his son was parking the car. A case u/s 307/34 IPC & 25/27 Arms Act was registered at PS Narela and investigation was taken up. Keeping in view the sensitivity of the matter Special Staff of Outer District was also directed to work out the case.
TEAM & INVESTIGATION: On 19.07.2016 on the basis of secret information three accused persons namely Raj Kumar @ Bhoma, Harbans @ Ladi and Gaurav @ Gorilla, were arrested from the area of PS Shahbad Dairy. Three country made pistols and four live rounds were recovered from their possession. The accused had disclosed their involvement in the conspiracy & incident of firing on the businessman on 05.07.2016 at the behest of gangster Neeraj Bawania who is currently lodged in jail in a case of MCOCA and various other heinous cases. Accused Raj Kumar @ Bhoma is a close associate of Neeraj Bawania. He hatched up a conspiracy at the behest of Neeraj Bawania as the businessman had denied to pay ransom money.
On 03/08/2016, ASI Anil Kumar of Special Staff, Outer District received a secret information that the culprits who are associates of Neeraj Bawania Gang and involved in incident of attempt to murder case of the Narela Dal Mill owner would come to meet in the area of PS KNK Marg on a motorcycle. On this information, a team of officials of Special Staff comprising ASI Anil Kumar, HC Naresh 434/OD, HC Parminder 3183/OD, Ct. Sandeep 830/OD, Ct. Rajbir 2866/OD, and Ct. Rajender 1195/OD was constituted under the leadership of Insp. Mahabir Singh, I/C Special Staff under the supervision of Sh. Dharamvir Singh, ACP/Operations. The team reached near transport authority, sector-16, Rohini, Delhi and apprehended the culprit Anil @ Singhania from the spot with illegal arms/ammunition before he could execute his next plan. One country made pistol, two live rounds, one stolen motorcycle, one stolen Bolero Jeep, One Eeco Car were recovered at his instance. The accused has disclosed his involvement in the incident of firing on the businessman on 05.07.2016.
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