Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi inaugurates “YUVA SKILL CENTRE” in Police Station Chittranjan Park South District, Delhi.

Delhi Police, South district in continuation of its affirmative action for the community has launched a flagship training centre under “YUVA” in Chittranjan Park, Police Station. The training cum skill centre would execute job enabled training projects under the Government’s flagship skill programme “Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana”.  The Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi, Sh. Anil Baijal, was the chief guest on the occasion. The event was attended by Commissioner of Police, Delhi and other senior officers.  
“YUVA” is a major initiative of Delhi Police to provide job oriented training and skill development for underprivileged youth across all its districts in New Delhi. This initiative was launched to engage and steer street children & youth towards the mainstream of society, providing them opportunities to realize their potential and creating awareness about their potential through skill development training.
Initially, 08 police stations were selected for setting up of Skill Centres. 36 training partners and 45 skills were identified for the purpose of skill development in consultation with National Skill Development Corporation & Confederation of Indian Industries. Around 1900 youth including boys and girls in the age of 17 to 25 years were selected for training under YUVA. Around 1700 youth were imparted training in 08 of the police stations whereas 200 youth were referred to training centres outside police stations. Job fairs were organized at different locations by service providers. Banking and finance workshops for trainees were also organized in all the 13 districts of Delhi to sensitize the trainees about the opportunity to set up their own business. So far, 1014 youths including boys and girls have been selected for jobs in various companies including renowned companies.  The YUVA beneficiaries largely come from underprivileged sections of our society mainly School dropouts, JCL, Victims of crimes, Families in dire state due to loss of the bread earner of the family.
Chittranjan Park Police station would be the inaugural police station in South district under “YUVA”. Delhi Police South district through this unique endeavor under YUVA would exhibit how through empowerment of skills, our youth can be more gainfully employed thus playing a meaningful role for the society at large. The Yuva Skill Centre inaugurated at police station Chittranjan Park marks the onset of second phase of the Yuva programme.  11 more Police Stations have been identified for setting up training centres for implementation of 2nd phase of YUVA.  The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has accorded its approval for the allocation of additional five thousand targets to police stations for second phase of implementation of ‘YUVA’ initiative of Delhi Police.
Inaugurating the Yuva Skills Centre, Sh Anil Baijal, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi stated that it is a unique step taken by Delhi Police to reach out to the children who didn’t have much to look forward in life. Identifying the perpetual and unending nature of duties performed by Delhi Police, Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi said that the police is always around the citizens in all situations. Therefore, he envisaged that police could play an important role in channelizing the energy of our youth and imparting vocation based skills to the marginalized youth of our city.
Through “YUVA” as per the vision and direction of Commissioner of Police, South district would be showcasing how police stations can go beyond their traditional role of maintaining law and order and be a community partner and a social impact enabler in changing lives gainfully for our youth. Speaking on the occasion, Commissioner of Police, Shri Amulya Patnaik stated that the scheme was inaugurated last year by the Hon’ble Union Home Minister. We started with 8 Skill Centres in 8 police stations of Delhi. For this year, target is 12 more Skill Centres to make it a total of 20. He also said that the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Delhi is the main architect of this scheme.
This Skill Center would additionally be a centre of learning catering to the local citizens. Training courses initially would be offered in the sectors of hospitality and retail certified by National Skill Development Corporation in addition to providing skills to the trainees in various soft skills, entrepreneurship abilities and computer skills. This is in synchronization with the availability of jobs related to the service sector in NCR region. The training centre would have smart classes and state of the art labs that would impart job oriented certified training for the local youth who are under privileged and belong to the Economically Weaker Sections of the society.

The Skill Center at Chittranjan Park showcases how the police stations in the national capital are going beyond their conventional role of law and order maintenance only. When something like a Skill Centre, and that too for the youth, is set up in an institution typically symbolic of power, it goes a long way in changing the perception of the citizens and enables them to see the police as a citizen oriented organization.


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