Three members of the illegal arms supplying syndicate nabbed

  • Kingpin Imran alongwith his two associates arrested.
  • 13 English pistols of .32 bore with 10 extra magazines recovered.
  • 50 live cartridges also recovered.
  • Arrested Sunil is a notorious criminal and BC of PS Muhana, Sonipat.

A team of Special Cell/NR led by Insp. Attar Singh and supervised by Sh. Nishant Gupta, ACP has busted a syndicate of illegal arms supply in UP, MP, Delhi and Haryana. Three members of this syndicate namely  (1) Imran (age-46 years) s/o Irfan r/o Mohalla Ladawala, near Peerwali Gali, Distt. Mujaffar Nagar, UP, (2) Sunil (age-26 years) s/o Balbir r/o Village Muhana, Distt. Sonipat, Haryana and (3) Naushad (age-35 years) s/o Mohd. Rashid r/o Kaishatwara Kairana, UP have been arrested and 13 sophisticated English pistols have been recovered from their possession. Apart from these 13 pistols of .32 bore with 13 magazines, 10 spare magazines and 50 live cartridges were also recovered from them. Case FIR No 53/16 dated 09/09/2016 u/s 25/54/59 Arms Act PS Special Cell has been registered in this regard.
Inspr. Attar Singh of Special Cell/NR received an information 03 months ago regarding a racket of illegal arms supply being run by one Imran in Delhi, Haryana, UP and MP. Secret and discreet surveillance was kept upon movements of Imran. Requisite intelligence in this regard was collected. Secret sources were deployed to gather more information in this regard. During surveillance, it was revealed that Imran was indulging in supplying of illegal arms in Delhi, Haryana and UP from MP for a long time.  Painstaking efforts of more than 03 months resulted in identifying members of this syndicate.
On 08-09-2016, SI Rakesh Kumar received a specific information that Imran, the kingpin of said syndicate would come to at Karnal bypass (Mukarba Chowk, Delhi) between 07:30 PM to 08:00 PM to deliver large consignment of illegal arms to one of his contacts. A raiding party consisting of SI Rakesh Kumar, SI Parveen Rathi, SI Sandeep, Ct. Parvez Alam and others was formed. A trap was laid near Mukarba Chowk, Delhi where Imran was apprehended at about 07:45 PM  and 12 sophisticated English pistols alongwith 10 spare magazines and 40 live cartridges were recovered from the pitthu bag he was carrying.
Accused Imran was subjected to sustained interrogation wherein he disclosed that he has been indulging in supply of illegal arms for last 03 years and procures the supply of these weapons from a person of Distt. Burhanpur, MP. He further disclosed that since last 06 months he has brought more than 80 pistols from MP. He also disclosed that he sold these pistols to small weapon suppliers and various persons of criminal backgrounds in Delhi, Mujaffar Nagar, Kairana in UP and Panipat in Haryana. He revealed the names of Naushad, Shamshad, Sunil, Amit etc. to whom he had supplied the weapons. During investigation Naushad and Sunil were arrested on 09/09/2016 near Singhu Border, Delhi. One English pistol and 04 live cartridges were recovered from Sunil and 06 live cartridges were recovered from Naushad. Arrested Sunil is a notorious criminal of Haryana who is previously involved in more than 10 criminal cases i.e. 03 or murder, 03 of attempt to murder and 04 of arms act.

Imran revealed that he used to pay Rs. 20,000 per pistol in MP and he sold these pistols between Rs. 30,000 to Rs.40,000 per pistol in Delhi, Haryana and UP. He originally hails from Mujaffar Nagar, UP. He become notorious in field of arms supply in Distt. Mujaffar Nagar, UP and due to this he was under immense pressure from local police. Due to pressure from local police, he shifted his base from Mujaffar Nagar to Panipat in Haryana. For the last 01 year he has made Panipat his base where no one recognized him. He took a house on rent at Khutani Road, Rajiv Colony, Panipat, Haryana. He has further disclosed that he used to get supply of illegal weapons about 50 kms away from Burhanpur, MP. He also disclosed that many persons in that area have made small factories where these illegal arms are being manufactured. He brought the consignment of illegal arms from MP by train.


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