With the arrest of Dharmendra Kumar Sharma, age 43 years r/o Shastri Nagar, Delhi, Central District Police has solved a case of robbery, which had taken place on 01-09-2016 in the area of P.S. DBG Road, Delhi. Cash Rs 21 Lakhs, documents of motorcycle, driving license and other documents were recovered from his possession.
INCIDENTN: On 01.09.16 at about 9:58 p.m., a PCR call was received at PS DBG Road regarding incident of robbery at Ravi Dass Marg. On this, SHO/DBG Road along with police team rushed to the spot. On the spot, he came to know that one Dharmender Kumar Sharma was injured, who was already taken to Lady Harding Hospital by PCR Van. Immediately, on the statement of the complainant, Sh. Dharmender Kumar Sharma, a case vide FIR No. 257/16 u/s 394/34 IPC was registered at PS DBG Road and the investigation was taken up.
TEAM: Accordingly, a team consisting of Inspr. Amit Issar SHO/DBG Road, SI Shiv Prakash, ASI Gajender, HC Sudesh and Ct. Karan was constituted under the close supervision of Sh. Om Prakash, ACP/Paharganj.
To nab the criminals, secret sources were deployed and local intelligence developed. During investigation, the scene of crime was reconstructed. The complainant was also asked to join the investigation. The complainant was interrogated at length. He told that he is working as a field boy (collection agent) in cotton Thread Company at Shastri Nagar, Delhi for the last four years. He further stated that after collection of money from different parts of Delhi while he was going back to his owner to hand over the collected amount i.e. Rs. 21 Lacs, two persons came riding motorcycle and robbed Rs. 21 Lacs amount and fled away from the spot. He was also got injured by them.
During investigation, there were some major contradictions in his statement which created suspicion. As such he was interrogated thoroughly and confronted with the facts gathered from other sources, he broke down. He disclosed that he was in dire need of money as he wanted to purchase a plot in Rajasthan. On this, he hatched a conspiracy to grab the money of his company.
On 01-09-2016 as per plan, Dharmender Kumar Sharma collected amount Rs. 21 lacks from different parts of Delhi and kept the amount at Shastri Nagar, Delhi. He caused simple hurt to himself by the broken bottle of beer for misleading the police. After that he reached at Ravi Dass Marg in the area of PS DBG Road, Delhi and made a PCR call regarding robbery. At the instance of accused Dharmender Kumar Sharma, cash Rs. 21 Lacs, documents of motorcycle, driving license and other documents were recovered.
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