A team of Special Cell, led by Insp. Sanjay Gupta and Insp. Rajesh under the close supervision of ACP Govind Sharma has arrested two notorious arms suppliers namely Kailash, Age 35 years R/o Distt. Burhanpur Pur (MP) and Madhav Rawal, Age 25 yrs r/o Distt. Dhar (MP). 17 sophisticated illegal pistols along with 9 spare magazines were recovered from their possession. Two cases vide FIR No. 65/2017 dated 03.09.2017 & 66/2017 dated 10.09.2017 U/s 25 Arms Act PS Special Cell, Delhi have been registered in this regard.
Information had come that gangs are indulging in supply of illegal weapons to the criminals of Delhi NCR. In pursuance of the special drive launched by Special Cell against trafficking of illegal arms to Delhi from different parts of the country, Special Cell has succeeded in busting several interstate arms syndicates and recovered more than 600 pistols & revolvers, 10 country made guns, 4 modified carbines, 6478 cartridges in the recent past. These weapons are primarily being procured from the arms manufacturers based in Dhar, Burhanpur & Khargone districts of MP and Munger district of Bihar. Information was being received by Special Cell that interstate networks are operating in several districts of MP & UP who are induling in manufacturing and supply of illegal firearms in the area of Delhi & NCR. Ground work was carried out to develop on this information to materialize it.
The information was further developed and sources were deployed. A team comprising of SI Manish, Prateek, ASI Ashok, ASI Saneev, ASI Rajeev, HC Ajay, HC Rajesh, HC Sandeep, Const. Gaurav, Const. Mukesh, Const. Manesh Const. Kapil, Const. Ravi and others was formed to act on the information. The strenuous & untiring efforts of the team paid the result and one arms supplier namely Kailash, Age 35 years R/o Distt. Burhanpur Pur, MP was apprehended from Nizamuddin Yamuna Bridge, Delhi on 2nd September 2017. 7 illegal pistols were recovered from his possession. Another arms supplier namely Madhav Rawal, Age 25 yrs R/o Distt. Dhar, MP was apprehended on Salim Garh Bypass, near Rajghat and 10 illegal sophisticated pistols along with 9 spare magazines were recovered from his possession. Two cases vide FIR no. 65/2017 & 66/.2017 U/s 25 Arms Act have been registered at PS Special Cell, Delhi in this regard
On sustained interrogation, accused persons disclosed that they have frequently visited in the areas of Delhi & NCR to supply illegal fire arms to the criminals. They entered into this profession from their early adulthood. Accused Kailash is working for some major arms suppliers based in Jhansi (UP), whereas accused Madhav is working with another major arms supplier namely in Meerut (UP).
Their previous involvement is being verified.
- 17 Sophisticated Semi-automatic pistols.
- 9 spare Magazines.
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